The meter is handheld Digital Multimeter for measuring DC and AC Voltage, DC Current, Resistance, Diode and Transistor with battery operated. Display:..
The 9V Battery Snap Connector with Power Plug is provides the ability to conveniently use a 9V battery to power many common boards and modules.
such ..
Most popular type of basic display for displaying Numerical and Hexadecimal values. (Some rudimentary alphabets can also be displayed.
This is Common ..
BEST-168Z Magnifying Glass Stand with 2 Croc clips is a convenient and useful tool for giving extra support whilst performing precision soldering jobs..
This breadboard can be used to prototype electronic circuits without soldering. It works great for connecting and testing sensors, IC's, or other circ..
Breadboard-Medium size consists of 500 connecting points.
This is a cute half size breadboard, good for small projects. It's 2.2" x 3.4" (5.5 cm x 8...
Used to de-solder the solder or to remove the solder from the object or components. De-soldering is the removal of solder and components from a circui..