8051 Development Board V3

- Stock: 2 - 3 Days
- Model: 8051-dev-board
- SKU: PL-267
This Development board provides an easy and low cost way to develop projects on 8051 Microcontroller. All the required software's are available as free download including a C compiler.
1) Standard 8051 microcontroller IC AT89S52
2) Power ON Reset and Manual Reset
3) Power indicating LED
4) Buzzer
5) Four 7-Segment multiplexed display
6) 8 LED Array
7) RS232 to TTL converter
8) 4*4 Matrix Keypad
9) 8 Switch array
10) 16x2 character LCD
11) L293D motor driver
12) On board Regulated power supply
13) Port Extension for all ports
14) Pull up resistor's for all ports
15) ISP pins/connector for programming microcontroller
16) No need to remove microcontroller from the board
17) 11.0592MHz crystal suitable for serial communication
18) Single layer PCB with FR4 material.