Starter Kits
Brand: Raspberry Pi
Note: This kit does not contain the Pi Zero W itself and has to be purchased separately here.This is a starter kit and contains the essentials for getting started with the Raspberry Pi Zero W. Recommended to take this if you don't have the add-ons and are getting started off with the Raspberry Pi Ze..
Rs. 1,195.00
Kit Contents:Uno R3 with USB Programming Cable (Clone) Breadboard-Medium SizeUltrasonic Distance Sensor (HCSR-04)PIR Motion Detection SensorDHT 11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor ModuleTemperature Sensor (LM35)Light Intensity Sensor (LDR)Liquid Crystal Display (LCD 16*2 Chars)Red Green Bl..
Rs. 2,050.00
Uno R3 robotic kit contents:
USB Type-B Cable
Complete Robotic Kit(Unassembled)
Breadboad _Medium Size
IR Sensor
Resistor Box
L293D Driver board
Assorted Jumper Wires-40
Rs. 2,840.00